Concord-Northshore Roundabout Works

So I’m digressing today.  I’m not talking about a restaurant, sporting event or service company.  Today’s post is a bit of an apology.  Here’s the deal.

For the past 5 years, I’ve complained about the traffic going from Concord Road onto Northshore.  I sat in endless lines late for my sons’ ball games at the Farragut Park.  And I made my frustration clear.  I called TDOT countless times asking when they were going to fix it.  Each time, they told me they were working on it and that they were putting in a round-about (at least that’s what I call it). Well when I heard this, I freaked.  How could something like a round-about work in a high traffic area.  I thought TDOT or whomever was responsible for this had lost their mind.

I’m here today to apologize for ever thinking that. The round-about has been in place now for several months and it’s amazing how folks have adapted to it.  No lines.  No frustrated drivers.  Not even a stop.  People just slow down, hit their gap, and move on.  Sweet.

TDOT, Town of Farragut, Knox County – whomever is responsible for getting this done – kudos.

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2 Comments on “Concord-Northshore Roundabout Works”

  1. paula Says:

    must admit I too doubted the roundabout but it is a good thing especially since we no longer have to leave hours ahead of time to make a baseball game!

  2. Brooks Herring Says:


    I totally agree! I live near Northshore and Choto and was also scheptical, but LOVE the round-about.

    There’s Big Ben, kids!

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